because yesterday my son tried to fight with me hes only 7 years old.. i told him fight is a bad thing to do he said but lebron james got in a fight with brendan haywood last night.. damn you lebron james
Is lebron james a bad influence to kids?nba graphics
oh yeah he is... after he got a speeding ticket now i m getting a speeding ticket thank to him now i m not looking up to him i am looking up to kwame brown
Is lebron james a bad influence to kids?nba live 2007 ,nba teams
wow. i was gonna ask why, then i read what you wrote and was kinda shocked...if you're gonna put that on lebron then you have to put that on the whole nba, and haywoord was trying to get to lebron, but in the end who won, the cavs, why, cause lebron is awesome.
hating on the james train is kinda old. people need to stop hating. i would love to see him play kobe and jordan one on one in a game of ten, ashfault court and all.
honestly, i think 99% of sports figures are bad influences if you look beyond a few key traits (work ethic being the main one, although most sports figures are professionals due to innate natural skill, which is only partially enhanced by practice).
so, sure, if you send your kid out for a night on the town with lebron, i'm sure he'll come home a changed person, and probably not in the way you'd hope for a 7 year old.
no...h'e's a great role model but be mindful is still kid...and just like must athletes in the NBA, when tensions rise, emotions may get the best of them. So, I agree, Lebron James shouldn't be fighting...but depending on how old your child can justify that he still is a young man and he make mistakes but doesn't mean to hurt anyone.
no, hes NOT.
everyone gets in fights, not just lebron james..
thats TV, thats ppl, thats life.
he is actually a good influence.
hes a healthy and responsible dude.. hes not even involved in escandals or anything.
You can go to youtube put in Lebron James fight you will
plainly see Haywood knock James down I believe to defend ones self is what is expected of by a man since you don't ,
you need to examine yourself.
haha, well lebron james is an inspiration to many kids who want to grow up like him. (Like any other Athlete) Lebron did get in a fight, but just tell your kid that fighting is bad and he wont do it again.
It wasn't Lebron who started the fight. But wow, 7 years old and he knows a low-profile guy like Brendan Haywood? Basketball nerd in the making, lol.
Are people who have an accidental car crash bad influences for children cause he might get the idea to cause destruction..?
NO. But your son has to know that not everything he sees on TV is what he should do in his life. LeBron has so much good in him... why focus on the negative?
your kids only seven cut him a break. its not like your kid is involved in pit bull fighting or even gun and drug charges... so to answer your question NO.
Start worrying if he tries to do a Carmelo Anthony act.
no he is not because in one of his commercials he attend to tell kids to be better than your idol.
Your son should learn by himself !!dosnt need help from his mom the Lebron hater!!
No it was one incident. If your perception of Lebron changed that quickly then it must be hard to get on your good side
You could move to San Angelo, Texas and shelter your children from the outside world.
Your a idiot.
LeBron is didn't get in a fight!
watch the tape
Haywood is in his grill
all he says is
What you doin?
Benny if you can't take a 7 year old, you're weak!
lebron is my hero
You sound like Bill O'Reilly.
i hope he kicked ur a$S
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